Saturday, February 3, 2007


REMOVE is/A design collective established in May 2002 by five Copenhagen furniture designers. Having five different approaches to design, Remove's individual differences strengthen their common expression which is playful, graphic and straightforward with a sense of humour. Remove's design is international in colour, material and form and at the same time Scandinavian in its sense of functionalism and simplicity. REMOVE aims at designing products that are both artistic and industrial. Remove believes in shape and proportion combined with uniqueness and originality. Remove believes in furniture that fits, but also reshapes the room that surrounds it.

HUS - furniture with a roof.
REMOVE's new furniture has a roof, but not one of those, that keeps the world out but one that keeps the intimacy in. For all the places needing a small portion of cosyness, where you wait for the train, where you eat your lunch or where drink your coffee. HUS was on display at the exhibition: Honey I'm Home, Danish Design Centre from 3rd of March till 6th of June 2006.

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